History Keywords — Part I
Consolidation ( the situation in which two or more things, for example, companies or organizations, are joined together )
Revolt ( refuse to be controlled or ruled, and take action against authority, often violent action )
Resentment ( to feel angry because you have been forced to accept someone or something that you do not like )
Rebellion ( violent action organized by a group of people who are trying to change the political system in their country )
Culmination ( the point at which an event or series of events ends, having developed until it reaches this point )
Peasant ( a person who owns or rents a small piece of land and grows crops, keeps animals, etc. on it, especially one who has a low income, very little education, and a low social position )
Artisans ( someone who does skilled work with their hands )
Conquest ( the act of conquering a country, area, or situation )
Dominion ( control over a country or people )
Expansionist ( increasing the amount of land ruled by a country, or the business performed by a company )
Exploitation ( the use of something in order to get an advantage from it )
Adversely ( in a way that is harmful or likely to cause problems )
Deprived ( not having the things that are necessary for a pleasant life, such as enough money, food, or good living conditions )
Livelihood ( the way someone earns the money, pay for food, a place to live, clothing, etc )
Exclusion ( the act of not allowing someone to take part in an activity or to enter a place )
Patrons ( a person or group that supports an activity or organization, especially by giving money )
Discontent ( a feeling of wanting better treatment or an improved situation )
Meted ( to give or order a punishment )
Ripe ( completely developed and ready to be collected or eaten )
Accumulated ( to collect a large number of things over a long period of time )
Grievances ( a complaint or a strong feeling that you have been treated unfairly )
Burst Forth ( jump out from a hiding place and surprise )
Antagonised ( to make someone dislike you or feel opposed to you )
Gradual ( happening or changing slowly over a long period of time or distance )
Extinction ( a situation in which something no longer exists )
Outright ( completely or immediately )
Subsidiary ( something less important than something else with which it is connected )
Adopting ( to legally take another person’s child into your own family and take care of him or her as your own child )
Pretext ( a pretended reason for doing something that is used to hide the real reason )
Alleged ( said or thought by some people to be the stated bad or illegal thing, although you have no proof )
Misrule ( the bad government that shows no justice or fairness )
Safeguard ( to protect something from harm )
Waged ( paid regularly for work )